Welcome to the databeats community! 🥁🥁

Hey there,

I’m Arpit Choudhury, the founder and operator of databeats!

Subscribe for free to receive weekly guides and exercises to help you drive Data-powered Growth 📈

I also offer two paid options for two separate personas:

  1. The Regular tier (monthly or annual) is for supporters who wish to contribute to our mission. They also get occasional posts with half-baked ideas and my writing and diagramming process, as well as quarterly updates on the progress and what I'm thinking next. I’m also offering a 1:1 chat for those who opt for the annual plan.

  2. The Lifetime tier for growth practitioners. It comes with lifetime access to the Slack community + jam sessions where community members come together to discuss projects and challenges + live conversations with expert practitioners. If you’re curious to know why I decided to offer a lifetime membership, I have written about it here.

I also offer a 40% discount to anyone who cannot pay the full price. Email me at databeats@substack.com or reach out on LinkedIn if you’d like one.

If you have questions, please connect with me on LinkedIn.

If you need social proof, here’s the databeats wall of love.

Together, we can beat the gap between data people and non-data people for good! 🥁

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The final destination for honest, accessible data content for growth practitioners.


I've made it my mission to beat the gap between data people and non-data people for good.